11th Eurobitume-Academia webinar: Characteristics of reclaimed asphalt and asphalt recycling
Professor Gabriele Tebaldi from the University of Parma lead the 11th Eurobitume-Academia webinar, which focussed on the characteristics of reclaimed asphalt and asphalt recycling.

Held on 14th January 2025, close to 50 people from Eurobitume member companies attended this informative webinar delivered by Professor Tebaldi, Associate Professor within the Department of Engineering and Architecture at the University of Parma.
The webinar highlighted the Importance of the thorough characterisation (including binder content, binder properties, binder chemistry, aggregate type) of reclaimed asphalt, as well as factors affecting recycled asphalt properties.
Other themes discussed by Prof Tebaldi included the availability of binder, the diffusion of new binder and recycling agents into bitumen in recycled asphalt, and the opportunities and limitations of mixtures with high recycled asphalt content.
The last part of the webinar was a lively discussion and Q&A session.
Eurobitume members will soon be able to access a recording of this academia webinar on the Training / Academia Webinars page of the Eurobitume Intranet site, where recordings of previous webinars are also available.
Details regarding future Eurobitume-Academia webinars will be announced when confirmed.