In 2001 her role in Nynas expanded and she moved from the UK office to Brussels, to take on the newly-created position of Marketing & Communications Manager for Nynas Bitumen Europe. In 2006 she became the Marketing Manager for Nynas Bitumen and in 2013 was appointed Marketing Director.
Alongside her career with Nynas, Siobhan has been actively involved with a number of industry bodies, organisations and associations. Siobhan was elected President of IBEF (International Bitumen Emulsion Federation) in February 2015 and in June 2015 she was elected onto the Board of ERF (European Union Road Federation). She has previously been a Director of the Road User Alliance (RUA) in the UK. She has also been a member representative on the Marketing Committee of the Asphalt Institute (AI) in the United States, and prior to her appointment as Director General she served as President of Eurobitume between 2015 and 2018.
Siobhan chaired Eurobitume’s Public Relations and Communications Committee for over ten years, was a member of the organising committees for the E&E Congress in 2008, 2012 and 2016, and chaired the organising committee for the inaugural E&E Event 2018 in Berlin. She is currently on the organising committee for the 2020 E&E Congress in Madrid.
On 1st September 2018, Siobhan became Director General of Eurobitume – taking over from Aimé Xhonneux, who drove Eurobitume’s successful restructuring, national integration and significant membership growth during his six years in the role.