Eurobitume expert delivers forward-looking presentation at international conference in the USA
Eurobitume Technical Lead Dr Ian Lancaster was a guest speaker at the recent 61st Petersen Asphalt Research Conference in Wyoming, USA, which showcased the latest advances in pursuit of further specification and performance enhancements for pavement and roofing applications.

Approximately 170 people from 16 countries participated in this prestigious, international knowledge-sharing conference, following which Ian can provide Eurobitume members with valuable insights into the latest research developments in key areas of interest to the bitumen industry in Europe. On day three of the conference, which was hosted by the Western Research Institute and took place on 15th to 18th July 2024, Ian presented Eurobitume’s perspective on Future Bitumen Specifications to an audience of top researchers, highway officials, suppliers, producers and engineered-products manufacturers. He provided an insight into what is happening in Europe regarding the development of bitumen standards and harmonisation and outlined the work done by Eurobitume’s Task Force Specifications, collating the views of Eurobitume members and inputting Eurobitume’s position into consultations regarding the development and review of European product standards for bitumen. Finally, Ian highlighted the importance of focusing on the performance of bitumen in construction applications. He said that Eurobitume was also looking at potential opportunities to provide expert input into the CPR (Construction Products Regulations) Acquis process, which will produce the next generation of harmonised product standards for all contruction materials, including bitumen.