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Job Opportunity

Eurobitume Communications Officer    

Purpose of Role

Eurobitume is looking for a new member to join the existing team of four and support the organisation and its expert committees by providing communication expertise, guidance, coordination and management of tasks. Sustainability and bitumen-related education for the organisation’s target audiences have been highlighted as priority areas for Eurobitume during the next few years. This important functional role within the organisation will ensure that both members of Eurobitume and other key stakeholders are updated with relevant and timely information.

Scope of Role

Functional scope:

1. Steer and guide the organisation by offering or identifying expertise in issues related to PR and communications.

2. Manage implementation of planned Eurobitume communication activities and act as a Eurobitume focal point for members, stakeholders and suppliers for this functional area.

Below are some examples of typical tasks:

  • Provide direct support, meeting coordination, task management, guidance and recommendations on specific planned activities to the Public Relations & Communications (PRC) Committee using existing experience and expertise
  • Focal person for the member Chair of the PRC (Public Relations and Communications) Committee, assisting with meeting preparation, agendas and minutes and update reports as required. 
  • Managing communication campaigns as defined in the PRC plan
  • Active participation in working groups with stakeholders where needed
  • Organisation of events to provide a platform to interact with key stakeholders
  • Contribution to the promotion of bitumen use to relevant stakeholders
  • Exchange with the Eurobitume team to identify and understand specific needs of the other expert committees
  • Develop and manage the website content and updates.
  • Develop and manage social media activities.
  • Undertake annual member and stakeholder surveys
  • Provide updates on key performance indicators agreed for specific activities

3. Involvement in other Industry meetings and joint projects. This could include:

  • Related European Industry Associations with communication resources (e.g. EAPA)
  • Partner organisations Internationally (e.g. Asphalt Institute)

4. Other general tasks and involvement in projects as needed.

Geographic scope: The role will involve interaction with members across all European markets where our members are active. Limited interaction with markets outside Europe.

Skills & Experience required

  • Expertise and proven work experience in Communications
  • Specific experience in working with digital marketing including social media tools
  • Ability (to learn) to work with common document design tools (e.g. InDesign)  
  • Oral and written communication in English (indicate level). Knowledge in business French could be useful.
  • Experience using Microsoft software (Office 365, Teams) and collaboration tools (e.g.: Microsoft Whiteboard, Miro)
  • Mindset to work within a European ‘team’ culture 
  • Ability to interact with managers from different functional areas
  • Proven experience in managing tasks with external service providers
  • Experienced in working effectively in a remote or virtual team environment
  • A willingness to take on responsibility and focus on actions to achieve agreed deliverables
  • Experience in creating advocacy initiatives within organisations could be useful
  • Existing knowledge of the bitumen industry and Eurobitume could be useful
  • Some experience in the road or construction sector could be useful

Reporting and coordination

The role reports directly to the Director General and all work activities are coordinated from a central Eurobitume organisation.

Requirements of the position

The position can be suited to full-time or part-time employment depending on requirements of candidate, experience and ability to fulfil the role.

Home office based in Europe with efficient travel links to attend meetings within Europe as needed.

There may be occasional requirements to travel internationally.

The salary range will depend on the experience of the candidate, this information would be exchanged ahead of an invitation to take part in a recruitment interview process.

Opportunities for candidate to develop their education under the sponsorship of Eurobitume.

Start date flexible but aim is to have role in place first quarter of 2025.

For more details about Eurobitume please visit website:   If interested, please send by email a copy of your current C.V. by 22nd November 2024 latest to: Email:

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