Eurobitume offers a series of educational webinars designed to provide in-depth knowledge on bitumen. These sessions cover various topics, including an introduction to bitumen, its origins, manufacturing process, and common applications.
If you would like to attend one of two free educational webinar about the new Eurobitume Life Cycle Assessment Report 4.0 (2025), please click on the link below to access the registration form and select the webinar (12th March or 26th March) you would like to attend: Register to attend a Eurobitume LCA Report 4.0 webinar
#6 Understanding the Rheology of Bitumen
In this webinar, Eurobitume Technical Lead Dr Ian Lancaster explains what rheology is and describes the physical properties of bitumen – including its viscosity, elasticity, flow and deformation characteristics – which are similar to those of ‘silly putty’. He also explains the meaning of key rheological terms, such as Complex Shear Modulus, G*; phase angle; G Prime, G1; and G Double Prime, G11.