Eurobitume at a glance
Eurobitume is the European Association of Bitumen Producers. For over 50 years we have been providing a vehicle for sharing expertise and best practice in the industry, as well as creating alignment among stakeholders on key industry challenges related to Health, Safety, Environment, Communication, Promotion, Sustainability and Technical matters. Active on both national and pan-European levels, we exist to speak with one voice for bitumen in Europe communicating directly with the industry and related stakeholders.
A strong, single voice for the bitumen industry in Europe
Since 2019 Eurobitume had been operating with a central office and five dedicated local representations (LRs) in countries which historically had existing national bitumen organisations. January 2024 was the start of a new organisation which fully integrated the LRs and we have now come together as one streamlined Eurobitume – making our work more efficient and our voice stronger.
Our purpose
We have three key roles to play:
First, to educate and promote efficient, economic, effective, safe and sustainable use of refined bitumen in road, industrial and building applications.
Second, to provide information and guidance on technical, health, safety and environmental matters based on proven data.
And third, to create a positive image and environment for a sustained bitumen demand based on communicating the product benefits to key audiences.

What we offer our members, industry partners and stakeholders:
- Strong focus on important industry challenges related to health, safety, environment, communication, promotion, sustainability and technical issues.
- Dedicated leadership to manage key stakeholder relationships
- Optimum processes for decision-making and delivering results
- A streamlined vehicle to communicate consistent industry messages
- Improved efficiencies and synergies to maximise resources
- A vehicle for sharing expertise and best practices
- More alignment on key industry positions
One organisation, two dimensions
Since January 2024, the framework of our organisation has been structured across two dimensions – based on functionality and geography:
Introduced specific lead roles for HSE, Technical, Sustainability and Marketing
Local: Offering specific geographic focal points for different countries European: Developing deliverables on key themes of common interest to the bitumen industry in Europe.
Having integrated several national bitumen associations into the Eurobitume organisation, we have a priority to manage the existing strong presence in Belgium, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
How we operate
Eurobitume is driven by its members. The research and reports we produce come from expert committees and steering groups focussed on key themes.
Committee structure
All our committees consist of member representatives and are supported by a dedicated focal person or functional lead within the Eurobitume team.

Committee chairs are nominated from within the members for a two-year service duration and are rotated at our Spring General Meetings.
Where appropriate. a specific task force can be set up to report back to the committee for input and approvals.
Internal and external messaging generated by committees is always reviewed and endorsed by the Board before publication.
Eurobitume is overseen by a Board of Directors structured to be representative of the membership. The Board consists of between 10-12 members. A President, Vice President and Treasurer are elected from the Board each year at the Eurobitume Spring General Meeting.
As an organisation we are guided by statutes of association, office operating guidelines, compliance guidelines and GDPR policy. Ultimately, we are answerable to our members.
Key executives (April 2024 – 2025)- Pavel Kriz – President
- Fabrice Blanc – Vice President
- Dave Foster – Treasurer

Communicating with members and stakeholders
Primarily, we hold regular meetings for both members and stakeholders.
Special events are also arranged at local and Europe-wide levels.
Typically, committees share their output externally by publishing position papers, guidance documents and information sheets.
Last but definitely not least, our website is a lively channel for communication with members and wider groups of stakeholders, including the general public.
For specific updates on industry events, either organised directly by Eurobitume or related to the sector, check out our Events Calendar OR sign up to receive the monthly Eurobitume e-Newsletter.
Why be connected with Eurobitume?
- Be involved and make a difference: Both members and stakeholders contribute to the development and implementation of Eurobitume’s activities at a European and local country level.
- Stay informed with regular updates and feedback exchanges: Members have privileged access to General Meetings, Expert Committees and Local Market Exchanges. Stakeholders can attend local, national and European meetings and joint events.
- Use of professional network: Our dedicated leadership manages internal and external information exchanges with access to experts from our members and also key stakeholders.
- Support the industry with a solid platform for progress: Eurobitume provides a strong platform to support and coordinate special projects with strategic value through its expert committees. Our processes are optimised for effective decision-making and delivering results.