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Eurobitume Connecting Europe

Representatives of Eurobitume played an important part in a number of events during Connecting Europe Week (2nd – 5th April), where participants from more than 80 countries discussed a range of topics including the creation of a sustainable, smart and resilient, transport and mobility network in Europe.

European Road Maintenance Forum (ERMF) Workshop

Roundtable discussion with CEDR (Conference of European Directors of Roads)

Also in Brussels on 4th April, Eurobitume General Manager Jean-Michel Michou represented Eurobitume at a high-level roundtable discussion with the CEDR (Conference of European Directors of Roads), organised by Eurobitume Partner organisation ERF (European Road Federation).


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An unsung hero of our modern world, bitumen is an integral part of the society we live in today – as well as the one we aspire towards in the future.

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