Eurobitume Award won by Hogan Group at 2024 MPA Health & Safety Awards in the UK
Eurobitume works closely with the MPA (Mineral Products Association) on various safety initiatives and sponsored the Eurobitume Award, which recognises ‘exceptional innovation or good practice involving bitumen/asphalt or contract surfacing by an MPA member’, at the recent 2024 MPA Health & Safety Awards.

On 13th November, the Eurobitume Award was won by Hogan Group for an integrated winch and self-locking hook system they developed to remove the need to raise an asphalt-laden skip using a loading shovel and then manually attach it to a moving track.
Commenting on the winning entry, Eurobitume Technical Lead and Focal Person for the UK Dr Ian Lancaster said: “This innovative and practical solution had excellent engagement throughout, which is essential for “buy-in”, and the technology is easily transferable.”
Full details of all the awards winners can be found by clicking on the link here.