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Eurobitume offers a range of publications to support the need to educate and promote the efficient, economic, effective, safe and sustainable use of refined bitumen in road, industrial and building applications.

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Information Technique RTFOT (Français)

Practical information on short-term ageing conditioning using the Rolling Thin Film Oven Test [EN 12607-1]

Information Technique Pénétrabilité à l Aiguille (Français)

Practical information on testing needle penetration [EN 1426]

Technical Information Needle Penetration (Italian)

Practical information on testing needle penetration [EN 1426]

Featured documents

General (sustainability), Sustainability

EB Fact Sheet Sustainability

Czech, Discharge, General (publications), HSE (Operational Guides), Loading, Safe Handling, Transport

EB PPE Card (Czech)

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Education and training

We aim to provide a platform to share and encourage best practices, as well as educate and promote the efficient, economic, effective, safe and sustainable use of refined bitumen.


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