Eurobitume contributes to international conference on sustainable materials and structures
Eurobitume Sustainability Lead Dr. Brice Delaporte represented Eurobitume on the Innovation Day (29th August) at the recent 78th annual RILEM (International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures) conference on sustainable materials and structures in Toulouse, France.

Brice facilitated the session on bituminous materials and participated in the final round table, where he shared information from Eurobitume about bitumen applications, bitumen durability and views on net zero requirements in public procurement. He also commented on the presented papers.
Other issues of common interest discussed at the round table included how to better assess the durability of asphalt mixtures in the laboratory and the need to carry out environmental comparisons at infrastructure level on the full life cycle. The forthcoming update of Eurobitume’s bitumen Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) will be a key element in this.