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Encouraging and inspiring women in our industry

Following a lively and engaging workshop at the recent E&E Congress in June this year, which focussed on the challenges of attracting women to our sector, a follow-up focus group of like-minded individuals recently joined an online workshop to discuss this issue and how to better inspire women within the asphalt and bitumen sector in Europe.

Held at the end of September, the Zoom workshop involved ten invited volunteers who split into two break-out groups, each generating valuable high-level takeaways across three themes:

  • Challenges and needs of the industry related to women
  • Suggested activities to achieve goals effectively
  • Model for Europe! Organisation, vision, structure, governance, and image

The next step will be to develop a draft proposal using input from the focus group workshop, setting out what is needed and how such a specific initiative could be structured. The proposal will be shared with the online Women in Asphalt (Europe) community of volunteers, that have already signed up and registered their interest and support for such an initiative.

The aim is to continue to grow this community with the addition of both men and women supporters who share the same goals and desire to create more value for the industry!

If you would like to learn more or become actively involved as a volunteer in the development of a Women in Asphalt (Europe) initiative, please either scan the QR code above or send an email to


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