Preliminary Programme for New Year Reception in Paris
The preliminary programme has been announced for Eurobitume’s popular annual New Year Reception, which will take place on Thursday 23rd January 2025 at La Maison des Travaux Publics in Paris.

Preliminary Programme
- Introduction and key industry figures (Introduction et chiffres clés)
- Updates from Eurobitume (Actualités d’Eurobitume)
- Health, Safety and Environment (Hygiène, Sécurité et Environnement)
- Technical (Technique)
- Bitumen Life-cycle Assessment (Analyse du cycle de vie du bitume)
- New Construction Production Regulation and consequences for standardisation (Nouveau règlement des produits de construction et conséquences sur la normalisation)
- New Research Project, IDEE – Low-carbon infrastructure with bitumen emulsion mixtures (Nouveau Projet National IDEE – Infrastructures décarbonées aux enrobés à l’émulsion)
- Reception – opportunity to network and socialise with industry colleagues
The short programme of presentations will be delivered by members of the Eurobitume team including Eurobitume Sustainability Lead and Focal Person for France, Dr Brice Delaporte, and will also include an invited external speaker.
If you would like to attend this free event, which is aimed at bitumen industry stakeholders in Europe, particularly those in France, please complete this short registration form.
We can then prepare Eurobitume New Year Reception name badges, which for security reasons will be given to attendees on site and are necessary to gain admittance to the reception.