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Pavel Kriz elected as new President of Eurobitume

ExxonMobil’s Pavel Kriz was elected as President of Eurobitume at the association’s recent Spring General Meeting, where a new Vice-President and Treasurer were also elected, and a new Board of Directors was appointed.

commented Pavel

Eurobitume President, Vice-President and Treasurer

The new senior officers elected at this meeting, held on 17th April 2024, are:

  • Pavel Kriz (ExxonMobil) – President
  • Fabrice Blanc (TotalEnergies) – Vice-President
  • Dave Foster (Shell) – Treasurer


To be the first reference for bitumen in Europe


  • To educate and promote the efficient, economic, effective, safe and sustainable use of refined bitumen in road, industrial and building applications.
  • To provide information and guidance on technical, health, safety and environmental matters, based upon proven data.
  • To create a positive image and environment for a sustained bitumen demand, based on communicating the product benefits to key audiences.

Board of directors

At the same time as electing new Senior Officers, Eurobitume members also elected a 10-strong Board of Directors:

From Core Member companies:

  • Luca Arcangeli (Enilive)
  • Johanna Andreasson (Nynas)
  • Alvaro Diaz Diez de Baldeon (Repsol)
  • Fabrice Blanc (TotalEnergies) – Vice-President
  • Sergio Bovo (Alma Petroli)
  • Maria del Mar Colás Victoria (Cepsa)
  • Dave Foster (Shell) – Immediate Past President and Treasurer
  • Pavel Kriz (ExxonMobil) – President
  • Markus Spiegl (OMV)

From Associate Member companies:

  • Erik Scholten (Kraton).

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Bitumen is one of the best construction materials that can directly offer help towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goal 9.


What is bitumen

An unsung hero of our modern world, bitumen is an integral part of the society we live in today – as well as the one we aspire towards in the future.

Our documents


We offer a range of publications with information for anyone involved in the transport and handling of bituminous products.

Knowledge hub

Education and training

We aim to provide a platform to share and encourage best practices, as well as educate and promote the efficient use of refined bitumen.


What is bitumen

An unsung hero of our modern world, bitumen is an integral part of the society we live in today – as well as the one we aspire towards in the future.

Our documents


We offer a range of publications with information for anyone involved in the transport and handling of bituminous products.

Knowledge hub

Education and training

We aim to provide a platform to share and encourage best practices, as well as educate and promote the efficient use of refined bitumen.


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