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News from Spring General Meeting

At Eurobitume’s recent Spring General Meeting, Ola Mossblad from Nynas was elected as the new chair of the Safe Handling Sub-Committee (SHSC), Véronique Ducreux from ExxonMobil had her term as chair of the Technical Committee extended by one year.

Committee Chair rotations

Each committee chair has an initial two-year tenure, after which a formal rotation process takes place when members are invited to nominate a representative to steer that committee through the next 24-month cycle.

  • Safe Handling Sub Committee (SHSC) – Ola Mossblad (Nynas) was elected to take over from Bruno Piguel (Shell), following his two successful, back-to-back tenures as Chair. Thank you very much Bruno for all the very valuable contributions you made leading the SHSC over the past four years. Ola’s tenure is for two years, from April 2024 to 2026.
  • Technical Committee (TC) – Véronique Ducreux (ExxonMobil) had her tenure as TC Chair extended for one year, until 2025, to allow for the seamless continuation through to completion of the Future Specifications activities in 2024.

In addition, new senior officers and a Board of Directors were also elected.

Eurobitume President, Vice-President and Treasurer

Three new senior officers were also elected at this meeting:

  • Pavel Kriz (ExxonMobil) is Eurobitume’s new President
  • Fabrice Blanc (TotalEnergies) is the new Vice President
  • Dave Foster (Shell) was elected as the Treasurer

Board of directors

A 10-strong Board of Directors for Eurobitume was also elected at the same meeting, comprising nine representatives of Core Member companies and one from an Associate Group One category Member company:

From Core Member category:

  • Luca Arcangeli (Enilive)
  • Johanna Andreasson (Nynas)
  • Alvaro Diaz Diez de Baldeon (Repsol)
  • Fabrice Blanc (TotalEnergies) – Vice President
  • Sergio Bovo (Alma Petroli)
  • Maria del Mar Colás Victoria (Cepsa)
  • Dave Foster (Shell) – Treasurer
  • Pavel Kriz (ExxonMobil) – President
  • Markus Spiegl (OMV)

From Associate Group One Member category

  • Erik Scholten (Kraton)

Reports from Committees Chairs or their nominees on 2023 activities and 2024 plans

  • Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Committee –Giulia Pizzella (ENI)
  • Safe Handling Sub-Committee (SHSC) – Focal Point Jean-Michel Michou on behalf of the Chair Bruno Piguel (Shell)
  • Public Relations and Communication (PRC) – Sergio Bovo (Alma Petroli)
  • Technical Committee (TC) – Véronique Ducreux (ExxonMobil)
  • Bitumen Sustainability Steering Group (BSSG) – Focal Point Siobhan McKelvey on behalf of Chair Richard Taylor (Shell)

Asphalt Institute

Pete Grass, President of Eurobitume’s long-time collaboration partner organisation in the United States, the Asphalt Institute, then provided an interesting and informative overview of the Asphalt Institute’s activities. He also shared the news of his planned retirement from AI in January 2025.

Forthcoming E&E activities

Eurobitume Director General Siobhan McKelvey then spoke about the forthcoming E&E events jointly organised by Eurobitume and EAPA (European Asphalt Pavements Association):

  • 8th E&E Congress – 19th to 21st June 2024 in Budapest, Hungary. Themed ‘Resilience-Sustainability-Innovation’

Details of the Congress Programme and Speakers are available and discounted Registrations are currently available.

  • 3rd E&E Event 2026 – May/June 2026, Vienna, Austria.

Details to be confirmed at E&E Congress in June.


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An unsung hero of our modern world, bitumen is an integral part of the society we live in today – as well as the one we aspire towards in the future.



Bitumen is one of the best construction materials that can directly offer help towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goal 9.


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